Xojo Developer’s Spot

Xojo DevelopeR Resources

Increase your Xojo development speed and productivity using our custom cross-platform UI controls and code resources.

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All resources are provided free-of-charge. Using XDS controls and resources could save you and your business or team – hundreds of hours, and thousands of dollars – each year…

XDSControls & Resources

All XDSControls and Resources are provided as Free Software. Although the raw Xojo source code is provided for you to view and dabble with, – the XDSControls and Resources are not Open Source. You are free to use the XDSControls and Resources in your own private or commercial projects as well as Open Source projects, so as long as you include the XDS Free Software EULA with the raw source code containing XDS Code and Resources. Compiled software does not require the XDS EULA to be provided to your end users. You may even use XDSControls and Resources in products which you intend to sell**, without any licensing or royalty requirements owed to Xojo Developer’s Spot. Any money you make from software that uses XDSControl and Resources, is entirely yours!

**You may sell your source code containing our controls and code to other parties, so as long as you provide the “XDS Free Software End User License Agreement,” to the buyer of your source code, along with any other standard licensing you might include. The XDS EULA ONLY applies to XDSControls and Resources. The buyer of your code has the same right afforded to you; to use XDSControls and Resources free-of-charge, apart from any licensing restrictions that you may set in place for your overall product or source code. You do not have to provide the EULA to end-users of compiled software, as they do not have access to the source code. You don’t even need to give XDS credit for any resources used!

I want you to be successful, and having the right tools to get the job done is essential. With over 21 years of experience with Xojo (formerly REALBasic), I’ve built quite a vast internal knowledgebase, and have developed software for every field imaginable. Many of the more-advanced applications that Xojo has showcased and credited awards to over the years – contain XDS resources at their core! A few of which have been updated for Xojo API 2.0, and currently are -or- will be included for you to use in your own software – free-of-charge.

If you find these resources useful or plan to use them in commercial software, please consider contributing to XDS to keep the site alive for many more years to come. If you find you have need for a specific control or bit of code that does not exist on the site, send a message – I’ll see what I can do to create and make it available! XDSControls and Resources are only compatible with Xojo versions 2022r2 or higher. I hope you find the resources helpful in your development journey! 

Wishing you an amazing day!

Happy Coding!

Matthew A Combatti


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