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  • Version 1.0
  • Download 74
  • File Size 49.1 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date September 8, 2017
  • Last Updated November 19, 2017

Loading Web Application Resources From a WebHelperService Application

By allowing a WebHelperService (or server, such as nginx or Apache) to render resources such as JavaScript libraries, images, or even raw text & downloads, your web application gains speed in client-side responsiveness. The web application can handle more concurrent connections, responsively, all while utilizing less CPU usage. Instead of rendering large amounts of data to the client-side browser, the web application merely sends a bunch of raw text with tags to images and the resources, which are then rendered by the WebHelperService application (or server), requested from the client-side browser, freeing up the system resources to keep your web application stable for large scale utilization.

Included in the Download:

  • Source code for the WebHelperService and a demo application which loads the resource ("made with Xojo" image) from the WebHelperService.
  • Executable versions of both demos for all platforms.



*Start the WebHelperService before loading the WebApp Demo to see how even the Xojo IDE loads the resource from the Helper Application. The WebHelperService is little more than a self-contained web-server powered by Xojo!

*The WebHelperService application runs on port 9000, while the WebApp Demo uses the standard port 8080.